Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse.

Though most people are unfamiliar with the charge of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, most have heard the phrase “statutory rape” when referring to having a sexual relationship with someone who is underage. In Illinois, the crime of aggravated criminal sexual abuse most often refers to a case in which a person 17 years or older has sexual contact with a child 13-16 years old and the two individuals are 5 or more years apart in age. This sex crime is a Class 2 felony which is punishable by from 3-7 years in prison and a fine up to $25,000. Additionally, a person convicted of aggravated criminal sexual abuse will also have to register as a sex offender for life.

An experienced sex crimes defense lawyer like Robert Bas gives you the best chance to avoid these harsh penalties. If you find yourself facing a charge of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, you will not want to risk the crushing punishment that can be assessed upon a conviction. To avoid the serious consequences of a conviction and the stigma of being identified as a sex offender, you will want to consult with criminal lawyer Robert Bas as soon as possible. Together, the two of you can begin to build a strong defense with regard to your case.

Robert Bas is a former felony prosecutor and understands sex cases from both sides. This will give you a tremendous advantage when fighting the case in court. Contact Mr. Bas now to discuss your case in detail. He will explain the law, the consequences upon conviction and the best way to defend your case.

A conviction on a sex crime charge will forever stigmatize you and a conviction for aggravated criminal sexual abuse can be particularly damaging. It tells the world that you were engaged in inappropriate contact with a minor. This can be the case even if the minor was an older teen and even if no force was used. The idea behind aggravated criminal sexual abuse or “statutory rape” is that the child involved is not old enough to consent and therefore any sexual contact is illegal.


For many convicted of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, the social isolation created by having to register as a sex offender for life is actually far worse than whatever incarceration they had to endure. That is why having Robert Bas at your side as your criminal lawyer is essential if you are facing such charges. The damage that can be done to your future with a conviction is far too extensive to risk without the help of a sex crimes lawyer like Mr. Bas.

Defending You Against Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse Charges – Robert Bas

In some instances, prosecutors will charge you with multiple sex crimes or multiple counts of the same crime like aggravated criminal sexual abuse. The aim in this can be two-fold, either the hope is that even if they cannot get a conviction on one charge, perhaps they will be able to convict you on one of the others; and, if multiple convictions can be obtained, the penalties assessed will multiply in kind.

The result can be that instead of facing a prison sentence of three to seven years, you can find yourself looking at a much larger sentence if the prosecution is successful. criminal defense lawyer Robert Bas will work diligently to try to ensure that does not happen. Whether you face multiple counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse or have been charged with various sex crimes, Mr. Robert Bas is prepared to mount the most aggressive defense possible on your behalf. Robert Bas, criminal defense lawyer, can assist you with any of the following charges:

·         Criminal sexual abuse 720 ILCS 5/11-1.50

·         Criminal sexual assault 720 ILCS 5/11-1.20

·         Aggravated criminal sexual abuse 720 ILCS 5/11-1.60

·         Aggravated criminal sexual assault 720 ILCS 5/11-1.30

·         Predatory criminal sexual assault of a child 720 ILCS 5/11-1.40

·         Public indecency 720 ILCS 5/11-9

·         Prostitution 720 ILCS 5/11-14


Madison County Criminal Lawyer Robert Bas – When Charged with Public Indecency

If you have been arrested by the Madison County Police and charged with public indecency, you may be more embarrassed than concerned about the ramifications of a conviction on your charge. However, even though public indecency is considered a minor sex crime, it is still a crime, and it carries with it criminal penalties. In addition, there is always a stigma attached to any sexual offense no matter how seemingly insignificant.


It is also important to note that multiple violations can result in a felony charge rather than the usual Class A misdemeanor, as will be the case if the alleged offense occurred near a school. The point is that a public indecency charge is not something to be taken lightly. It is a criminal charge, and it is not simply going to go away or have no impact if you are convicted. As you would with any criminal charge, you will want to retain the services of an experienced and knowledgeable Madison County sex crimes lawyer who will work to uphold and preserve your rights. Robert Bas, a criminal attorney in Madison County, is committed to working vigilantly to provide you with the best defense possible in your public indecency case.

Public indecency refers to any sexual act or conduct performed in public or the exposing of oneself while intending to arouse or satisfy another person. Although there are various definitions or understandings of what could be meant by “public,” for the purposes of a public indecency charge, it refers to any place where there is a reasonable expectation of being seen by others. Obviously, there is much that is put into question with a public indecency charge that Robert Bas, your criminal attorney in Madison County, will want to investigate, not the least of which was the intent behind whatever you were doing that resulted in your being charged.

For example, there have been cases of suspects being charged with public indecency because of public urination. While it is true that public urination is also illegal, it does not necessarily include an intention to bring about sexual arousal in others. These are the kinds of questions, among others, that criminal defense lawyer Robert Bas will want to ask when meeting with you for an initial consultation so that he can evaluate your case and provide you with the legal counsel you need to make informed decisions regarding the best course of action in your case.

Madison County Sex Crimes Lawyer Robert Bas Can Provide the Aggressive Defense You Need

If you have been charged with any of these crimes or any combination of them, criminal defense lawyer Robert Bas can provide you with the legal counsel and representation that you will need as you attempt to build the best defense to combat these charges

One of the reasons that sex crimes attorney Robert Bas has had such a track record of success in handling, among other cases, those related to aggravated criminal sexual abuse is the fact that he has also prosecuted such cases in the past. Prior to his exclusive focus on a criminal defense practice, Mr. Bas served as a prosecuting attorney with the Madison County State’s Attorney’s Office.

This wealth of experience has uniquely qualified Mr. Bas to offer a distinct perspective as a criminal defense attorney who can often anticipate what the prosecution will do in a particular case because it is as though he has insider knowledge. If you are facing charges of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, Mr. Bas can put that knowledge and experience to work for you.

Your criminal defense lawyer Robert Bas understands the incredible stress that you are under right now. Any criminal proceeding can be overwhelming in and of itself, but when the stigma of a sex crime is added, the embarrassment and humiliation that you and your family can be exposed to can make it seem as though you have no hope. Let criminal attorney Robert Bas help you regain perspective. He will meet with you for an initial consultation where he will analyze your case and provide you with the legal counsel you need to help you make informed decisions regarding your options and to look towards the future with a sense of hope rather than a sense of despair.


If you have been arrested for aggravated criminal sexual abuse in Madison County, no matter how straightforward or complex the charge, Robert Bas is a criminal defense lawyer known for tough, aggressive defense. A former felony prosecutor, Attorney Bas has extensive experience in handling all types of criminal cases, from sex offenses and violent crimes to theft-related crimes and traffic violations. If you would like to reach Mr. Robert Bas quickly and directly, please call 618-656-6287, the consultation is free.