Aggravated Battery.

If you or a loved one have been charged with aggravated battery, you need to retain the very best aggravated battery attorney that you can find. Robert Bas is a former felony prosecutor that understands aggravated battery cases from both sides of the law. Aggravated battery is a very serious charge that indicates that you are suspected of causing serious injury to another person. The charge is a felony, and a conviction carries with it severe penalties that can vary depending upon the age and condition of the person injured and the manner in which the injury came about.

The most common aggravated battery carries the possibility of 2-5 years in prison. When the crime is against a police officer the range is 3-7 years behind bars. In certain cases the penalty can be as high as 6-30 years in the Illinois Department of Corrections. If convicted, you could face an extended time in prison, extensive fines up to $25,000, and other penalties that will have a devastating effect on the rest of your life.

When you retain Robert Bas as your criminal attorney, you are getting the help of a former felony level prosecutor who is committed to defending and upholding your rights throughout your case. Robert Bas will defend you aggressively and with compassion as he strives to obtain the best result possible for your case.

There are various factors that can impact the nature of your aggravated battery charge or the kind of penalties that would be assessed if you were convicted. Some have to do with the type of injury sustained, such as if the victim were permanently disabled or disfigured.

Other factors taken into consideration are things like whether the victim was a public servant such as a police officer or firefighter who was injured in the course of performing official duties. Some forms of aggravated battery come from conduct, such as if the suspect provided the victim with a controlled substance that caused harm.

Obviously, because of the variables present and the intricacies of the laws surrounding them, it is absolutely essential to have a knowledgeable aggravated battery attorney who is able to unravel all of the technicalities and can then provide you the legal representation that you will need. Robert Bas is a criminal lawyer in Madison County with the kind of experience and training necessary to make sure that you get the very best defense possible against an aggravated battery charge.

Just as there are various factors that go into determining an aggravated battery charge, there is a world of difference between a charge of battery and an aggravated battery charge. Similarly, both of those charges indicated something very different from assault, despite the fact that many people often use those two terms together and often interchangeably.

 Just as it is important for your aggravated battery attorney to review the specifics of your case to determine the best way to provide a defense for you, he will also want to ensure that the charge or charges that you are facing accurately reflect what is alleged to have occurred. In some instances, Mr. Robert Bas as your aggravated battery lawyer in Illinois may be able to get the prosecutor to reduce the charges in your case. Such occurrences are why it is important to have an experienced criminal defense attorney like Mr. Bas who is well-versed in the following statutes:

·         Battery 720 ILCS 5/12-3

·         Aggravated battery 720 ILCS 5/12-3.05

·        Assault 720 ILCS 5/12-1

If you have been charged with any of these crimes or any combination of them, Madison County Defense Lawyer Robert Bas can provide you with the legal counsel and representation that you will need as you attempt to build an adequate defense to combat the charges against you.