
Madison County Burglary Defense Lawyer Robert Bas – For Those Facing a Burglary Charge

If you have been arrested in the Madison County area and charged with burglary, you are facing a felony charge and could be sent to prison if convicted. Burglary in Illinois is generally a Class 2 Felony, punishable from 3-7 years in prison and a fine up to $25,000. If the alleged burglary was of a school, church, or another place of worship, that sentence could be even longer. The most serious type of burglary is called residential burglary, which carries a prison sentence of from 4-15 years.

In addition, a conviction for burglary can appear on your record and forever label you as a criminal, possibly affecting your ability to get a job, apply for loans, or even obtain housing. Because of the severity of the consequences involved with a burglary conviction, you will want every possibility of avoiding it, with the help of a burglary attorney in Madison County like Robert Bas.

Mr. Robert Bas has a track record of success in handling burglary cases just like yours, and he is available to provide you with the representation that you will need. Attorney Robert Bas is a former felony prosecutor in Madison County. He therefore knows burglary law from both sides. He understands the ways in which prosecutors fight and he will be there to defend you. Call now for an immediate and confidential case review.

There are many variables that can affect a burglary charge, and that may mitigate against receiving the harshest of penalties if the prosecution obtains a conviction. Because Madison County burglary attorney Robert Bas has knowledge of all of the statutes and regulations governing burglary and any subsequent sentencing, he is the one to rely on to try to negotiate your charge to a lesser offense and to keep you out of jail.

Criminal defense attorney Robert Bas understands that those that commit the offense of burglary do so not because they are bad people but because they may have an underlying problem such as drugs or mental illness. He will use any and all information to help get the burglary charged reduced or dismissed all together. If this is your first offense, you may qualify for some kind of deferred prosecution which will enable you to eventually clear this completely from your record.

Only an experienced criminal attorney will know all available options and make a persuasive argument to secure the best possible outcome. Whatever the circumstances of your case, your burglary lawyer in Madison County, Robert Bas, will investigate all of the details and provide you with the most aggressive defense possible given your situation.

Robert Bas – Defending You Against Burglary Charges in Madison County

A charge of burglary is one of those charges that is rarely filed alone. In almost all cases, there is some other charge associated with it that either indicates how the burglary was alleged to have happened (i.e., burglary tools) or where it occurred (residential burglary, for example).

Regardless of whether you are facing multiple charges or if the charge of burglary stands alone, Robert Bas, burglary attorney in Madison County, has demonstrated an incomparable acumen for providing legal counsel and litigation representation that has made him one of the most sought after criminal lawyers in Madison County.

You can rest assured that he has the experience and the wherewithal to diligently pursue every avenue of defense for you and to obtain for you the best possible outcome to your case if you are facing any of the following charges:

·         Burglary 720 ILCS 5/19-1

·         Possession of burglary tools 720 ILCS 5/19-2

·         Unlawful sale of burglary tools 720 ILCS 5/19-2.5

·         Residential burglary 720 ILCS 5/19-3

·         Criminal trespass to a residence 720 ILCS 5/19-4

If you have been charged with any of these crimes or any combination of them, Madison County burglary lawyer Robert Bas can provide you with the legal counsel and representation that you will need to build a great defense to fight these charges

When You Need an Aggressive and Experienced Madison County Defense Lawyer – Robert Bas

One of the reasons that Robert Bas can provide such astute legal representation for his clients is that before he opened his private criminal defense practice, he served in the Madison County State’s Attorney’s office as a prosecuting attorney. That means that he has prosecuted cases just like yours, and he knows what it is like to sit on the opposite side of the courtroom aisle.

Because of his dual experience as both a prosecuting attorney and a criminal defense lawyer, Mr. Robert Bas understands burglary laws inside and out. He knows the statutes, he knows the sentencing requirements (and exceptions), and he knows the tactics that the STATE’S ATTORNEY may use in order to obtain a conviction.

All of this is to say that he is uniquely positioned to build a defense for you that can anticipate how the prosecution may argue and can preempt those arguments ahead of time. This is just one of the ways that Mr. Robert Bas’ experience and knowledge can be of benefit to you when he is your burglary attorney in Madison County.

Experienced and Knowledgeable – Madison County Criminal Defense Attorney – Robert Bas

Make no mistake. The burglary charge that you are facing is a serious one with grave consequences if you are convicted. Not only would a conviction have life altering implications for your future, but for that of your family, as well. The risks are too great for you not to have the high quality legal counsel and representation that you will receive from Robert Bas when you retain him as your Madison County burglary attorney.