Theft Crimes.

Facing a Theft Charge? Madison County Criminal Lawyer Robert Bas Can Provide You With The Knowledgeable And Experience You Will Need.

In the state of Illinois, although there are various forms of theft, ultimately all charges relating to theft involve the taking of another’s property through deception or force without the consent of the owner. Although the penalties for theft can vary depending upon the value of what was allegedly stolen, theft convictions can result in significant prison time, in some instances. The bottom line is that if you have been accused of any kind of theft whatsoever, you will want to retain a knowledgeable and experienced criminal attorney in Madison County who can help to provide you with the legal counsel and representation that you will need in order to mount a defense against these charges.

Because a conviction on a theft charge can have such a deleterious effect on your future, Madison County criminal attorney Robert Bas is committed to providing you with the best criminal defense possible. To that end, he and his highly trained staff will work diligently to thoroughly investigate all aspects of your case in an effort to obtain the best outcome possible. In some instances, as your defense attorney, Mr. Robert Bas may be able to persuade the Madison County STATE’S ATTORNEY to drop the charges against you or to significantly reduce them. When that is not possible, however, you can rest assured that your criminal attorney, Robert Bas, will always stand ready to aggressively defend and uphold your rights, whether in or out of the courtroom.

Defending You Against Retail Theft Charges in Madison County – Madison County Defense Lawyer Robert Bas

As noted, the term “theft” can refer to a number of charges in which property was allegedly obtained through dishonest means. However, the differences in the charges usually pertain to the way in which the property was obtained. For example, the law sees a difference between the theft of a product from a convenience store and theft that occurred by breaking into the residence of a private citizen. In general, charges are dependent upon the type of property stolen, the value of that property, and where the alleged theft took place. Your criminal defense lawyer in Madison County, Robert Bas, is prepared to defend your case regardless of the type of theft charges you might be facing. Mr. Robert Bas has evidenced considerable success in the handing of theft cases that include:

·         Retail theft 720 ILCS 5/16-25

·         Burglary 720 ILCS 5/19-1

·         Residential burglary 720 ILCS 5/19-3

·         Identity theft 720 ILCS 5/16G-15

If you have been charged with any of these theft crimes or any combination of them, Madison County Defense Lawyer Robert Bas can provide you with the legal counsel and representation that you will need as you attempt to build an adequate defense to combat the theft charges against you.