
If You Or A Loved One Has Been Charged With Fraud In Madison County – Madison County Fraud Attorney Robert Bas Can Help

Fraud is a type of white-collar crime that is broadly defined as intentionally deceiving a person or group of people for personal gain or in an effort to injure another party. Because there are so many different types of fraud charges and offenses, convictions for fraud charges will vary greatly and will depend on the facts of the case, the value of the property taken (or amount of injury caused) and an individual’s criminal history.

Regardless of the exact type of fraud charge filed, however, these charges are serious, and convictions can result in sentences, including life in prison, jail time and permanent marks on the individual’s criminal record.

If you or a loved one has been accused of fraud in Madison County or the surrounding areas, it’s crucial that you consult an experienced fraud attorney right away to determine how to defend your case. At the Law Offices of Robert Bas, we provide free and confidential consultations seven days a week.

After consulting with Mr. Robert Bas you will have a much better idea of the criminal justice system and what to expect when you go to court to defend your case. When you hire Mr. Robert Bas, he will be at your side every step of the way. He is satisfied with nothing less than the best possible outcome for your case.

During the initial consultation, Mr. Robert Bas will:

·         Inform you of your legal rights, including the right to remain silent and the right to testify on your own behalf

·         Thoroughly evaluate the evidence in the case against you and walk you through the steps that lie ahead

·         Give you expert advice regarding the most appropriate manner in which to resolve your case

·         Be committed to getting the charges against you reduced or, when possible, dropped entirely

·         Provide you with discreet, professional, first-class representation in any future legal proceedings, should you decide to secure his services

Types of Fraud

Under Illinois state law, the most common charge associated with fraud is theft. Most cases that involve fraud are usually charged as theft. For example, if a person works as a bookkeeper for a retail store but commits fraud and takes thousands of dollars from the store, they would likely be arrested and charge with theft. In other words, the person is typically not charged with “fraud” but some form of felony theft. Other fraud related offenses are listed below:

·         419 fraud

·         bait and switch

·         bankruptcy fraud

·         credit card fraud

·         delivery fraud

·         embezzlement or other types of theft crimes

·         false advertising

·         fraudulent insurance claims

·         forgery

·         identity theft

·         mail fraud

·         Ponzi schemes (or other forms of investment fraud)

·         securities fraud

·         social security or disability fraud

In general, defendants with criminal histories of recent felonies will face harsher charges than those with minimal or no criminal histories.

Mr. Robert Bas’ Superior Criminal Services


When arrested for and facing serious criminal charges, it is critical to find a great criminal defense lawyer who is at the top of his profession. Finding an experienced criminal defense attorney is the best thing you can do to protect your reputation and avoid jail time or prison time. Mr. Robert Bas handles all felony and misdemeanor charges.


Mr. Robert Bas is a seasoned Madison County fraud defense lawyer. He has represented hundreds of criminal cases in Madison County and knows the system. No matter what the circumstances of the case, Mr. Robert Bas treats every client with the respect and compassion they deserve. To find out how he can help you, contact our law office today.


If you would like to reach Mr. Robert Bas quickly and directly, please call his phone 24/7 at 618-656-6287. The consultation is free.